Hey guys… it’s been a while since I last wrote something. I feel I have so many things to share and so little time to do it in but I’ll make it happen somehow going forward. Quite a few people asked me how is it I don’t feel overwhelmed with all of the things happening: having two…
The Mechanics Of Belief
I find amazing with how much crap our minds can come up with to validate our beliefs, limiting or otherwise. It makes sense though, if we are to accept Dilts’ logical levels of change. Beliefs are quite high up the ladder next to our values – our beliefs, among other things, validate WHY we do things. So…
7 Tips To Increase Landing Pages Conversion Rate
Hi guys, after spending my entire week wire-framing the logic for the new version of Simple Lead Capture [which will be released by SFM in the following months], I realised there are a few things people are failing to keep in mind while building their pages, things that I think are quite important if they want to achieve…
6 Things A Wannabe Entrepreneur Should Know
If you’re like most of the planet, it’s probably a dream of yours to be your own boss and do what you want when you want it. An increasing number of people are doing just that, reaping the benefits of working for themselves and maintaining their own schedule. Despite the great benefits, it is important to make…
10 Tips On How To Get Insane Traffic
In the last 5 years I have had the opportunity to work with some of the UK biggest marketing agencies. I had the pleasure to met the awesome people that do all the link baiting and optimising behind the scenes and noticed that most of them use some common strategies to generate insane amounts of website traffic….
Top Online Marketing Strategy Trends For 2014
Hello 2014! …for me January is like a breath of fresh air, it brings a new year’s resolution, new goals and hopefully change in the right direction. All on-line and off-line businesses should utilize each year as a measuring device; at this point one should identify how previous year’s marketing strategies fared and how well the business preformed overall. It’s time…