Hi guys, after spending my entire week wire-framing the logic for the new version of Simple Lead Capture [which will be released by SFM in the following months], I realised there are a few things people are failing to keep in mind while building their pages, things that I think are quite important if they want to achieve a high conversion rate.
I put a few suggestions down so when building your beloved new landing page, you may want to consider the following:
1. Match your advert copy to the landing page headline
Visitors click on your advert based on the message they read in your headline. If the headline in your landing page seems totally unrelated to what they clicked on, they won’t stay. Whilst there’s some scope for variation, don’t let the two drift too far apart. Keep things congruent throughout the entire funnel.
2. Clear headlines
Vague or woolly headlines on adverts or landing pages won’t increase landing page conversions. Make them concise with a clear and targeted message. You may want to consider this little tool to help you choose the perfect one: Marketing Value Headline Analyzer
3. Watch your grammar
Badly-written pages with poor spelling and other grammatical errors will drive your visitors away. Take the time to check your page, or employ an experienced proofreader to do this for you. It’s a big shame to lose a potential sale/conversion just because of a misspell but it happens very often.
4. Force a response
You’re looking for the visitor to respond to your page with a ‘Call to Action’. Make it compelling, and use active verbs, such as ‘Buy’, ‘Learn’ or ‘Download’. Make your action button clear, prominent, dead obvious and you’ll naturally increase landing page conversions.
5. Keep your traffic
Don’t include any links on the landing page, unless you’re linking the visitor to your next funnel page. The more you keep them on your page in a controlled environment, the more you’ll increase the conversion probability.
6. Lead with importance
Put the important details in the upper portion of the page, following the same technique as used in news stories: outline the important detail, the core of the story, in the first paragraph, with the enhancement and other detail to follow.
7. Second person
Write in second person, addressing the visitor directly, as ‘you’, making the text sound as though you’re addressing them directly. This gives the visitor the feeling of being engaged by your page, and should compel them to stay much longer.
I hope this helps…just a few little things that make a massive difference in your conversion rate.
To your success,
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